Welcome to Mindsongs Musique!
Other Songs
Some of the songs on this page are old, some are new.  Some of the songs were recorded
in the studio, some were recorded live.  Some of the songs have only me playing a variety of instruments—or not, some have a variety of individuals playing only one instrument.

Whatever the case—these songs are not included in the four "albums" that I have released—Meditations On The Day—Pauper, Piper, Princes—Venus In The Trees—and Aurillian Tales.  But I do believe that one day they deserve to see the light of day!
Do enjoy this collection of original odds and ends!

[PLEASE NOTE that all songs posted on this page are DEMOS and work-in-progress.]
1.   Morning Meditation #2
(the interplay between dreams and the real world as we awake ...)

(the percussion parts are supplied by Kara)
2.   Dark Days
(praying that the storm clouds will pass ...)

(the electric guitar part is supplied by Nicole)
3.   The Maze
(the original piece upon which this was based was recorded live and unrehearsed)

(the percussion parts were inspired by Kara)
4.   Love's Edge
(a work-in-progress)
5.   Uranium Happiness
(a work-in-progress)
6.   Medley
("Oh, Dear—Fear" written by Nancy)
(a variation on "Lazy Dazy" written by Nancy and John)

(the dulcimer part is supplied by John)
(this song was recorded by John during a rehearsal for an "open mic" night)
7.   A Song For Cindy
(written by John)

(the dulcimer part is supplied by John.)
(this song was recorded by John during a rehearsal for an "open mic" night)
8.   After Dinner Drinks
(this was recorded live and unrehearsed)

(the electric guitar parts are supplied by Nicole)
(the percussion parts are supplied by Kara)
9.   Bright New Day
(a pauper's anthem ...)
10.   Jenny
(written for one very special lady!)
11.   Give Me The Power
(a work-in-progress)
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Copyright © 2025  Nancy Joie Wilkie  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  January 02, 2025
Site Re-Design Date:  May 07, 2011
Site Launch Date:  August 22, 2005
Site Start Date:  May 14, 2005

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